
Matthew Burnham-Jones


My name is Matthew Burnham-Jones. If I was made out of Plasticine I would weigh about 78kg.

Ever since I was the size of a Chucky Doll, I have been fascinated by the way in which cartoons and animated movies were made. I would stay at my nan and grandad’s house and play with strips of plasticine for hours on end, creating all sorts of wonderful creatures. Seeing how much I loved to play with clay my parents bought me the Wallace and Gromit video tapes, and I am sure that repeatedly watching them over and over again was the reason my VHS player never did work properly. As far as I can remember Wallace and Gromit was the beginning of my long relationship with stop motion animations.

My mind has always been full of weird character story idea and I remember my brother and I would stage wresting tournaments with our collection of action figures; a compilation of characters collected from various car boots and flee markets. These weren’t just fights, oh-no, these contained interwoven story-lines of villains, heroes and the odd bit of beast on beast romance. Still a better love story than Twilight.

While growing older on the outside, I still haven’t grown out of my love for storytelling and animation. In school I incorporated stop-motion into various projects however being in University and studying Animation with other people who live and breathe it has been an incredibly fun challenge. After completing the first two years of my course I am now in my Third Year and ready to apply my passion and knowledge of Animation to hopefully create some really nice pieces of work.

My intentions for this blog are to write my thoughts and progression throughout projects, updating photos for people to view, comment on and enjoy. I will also post processes and tutorial based videos and posts for anyone who is interested in starting up or making there own small animated film but don’t know where to begin. I like to think that I am an extremely approachable person so always feel free to comment or get in touch if you ever want to talk about animation or work together. All and any feedback is welcome.

Thank you.

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